Saturday, June 15, 2013

You might have noticed that after few days of installation Windows Vista performance starts decreasing. It takes long time to start-up, run programs slowly and also become slow at the shutdown process. It is common issue for the Windows Vista users. Windows Vista performs so slow due to following reasons.

· Too many programs running at start-up
· Low RAM
· PC infected by malicious applications
· Corrupted registry

You can follow these steps if you are wondering why is Windows Vista so slow in your system:

· Minimize number of programs at start-up
· Clean Out Viruses
· Increase System Memory
· Clean Out Registry

Minimize Number of Programs at Start-Up 

If you are running too many programs at start-up this can be a cause of Windows Vista running slowly. So try to minimize the number of programs running at start-up. Follow these steps to disable start-up programs.

1. Click Start
2. Select Run
3. In the dialog box type MsConfig
4. Press Enter, a pop-up window will appear on your screen
5. Click on Start-up
6. Uncheck unwanted services and programs from startup
7. Press OK
8. Restart your PC

Increase System Memory 

Most of us ignore the issue of memory when Windows Vista runs so slow. Many old computers came with 512 MB of RAM and on such PC's Windows XP runs well but if you want to run Windows Vista on such a PC you should have at least 1 GB of RAM for smooth performance.

Clean Out Viruses 

While surfing the internet some malicious applications are downloaded and installed automatically in our system. These malicious applications decrease the performance of any operating system, Windows Vista run so slow due to these infected files. To get rid of these malicious applications you must download and install a powerful Virus and Spyware cleaner. Run a full PC virus scan and remove all the viruses, malware and other infected files.

Clean Out Registry 

Windows registry contains registry keys of all the applications that you run on your PC and there are some entries that result in corruption in the registry. Corrupt registry problem cannot be fixed by scanning your PC for viruses and spy-wares because registry errors cannot be detected by antivirus. For this you need a good registry cleaner and PC optimizer.
We highly recommend you to try Intel Software Partner, RegInOut System Utilities. It will clean system junk, optimize computer services and internet, clean and defrag registry and manage start up programs for optimum performance of your computer. Get it here: Speed Up Vista.

The above guidelines allow you to take measures to speed up computer and keep your Windows properly maintained. Prevention is the best cure.

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