Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sometimes, after we use our computer for a while, some things are changing. The perfect example is that Windows XP is running very slow. We all have experienced it and it is a very known problem of Windows. This can happen for a few reasons:

  1. Low RAM - You might have low RAM capacity and Windows doesn't have enough resources so it can operate correctly. If this is the situation you will need to buy new RAM Memory chips for your computer.
  2. Windows Problems - This is the most common reason for Windows XP to start running slow. If this is the case than you can fix it the hard way or the easy way.

Ways to fix Windows Problems

  • The hard way - Format your computer and install Windows XP again. This will restore your computer to the state it was the day you bought it. Means, your computer won't run slow anymore. The problem with this approach is that it takes hours and hours to backup your important stuff and reinstall Windows XP. Not to mention that if you don't know how to do this you will need to call a technician that will probably cost you.
  • The Easy Way - Use a Registry Cleaner. Almost all of windows problems like when Windows XP is running very slow, are happening because of registry errors and invalid entries. To fix that all you need to do is to clean the registry from errors and invalid entries. To do that you can use 2 methods.

Ways to clean Windows registry

  • The Manual Way - You can edit registry entries manually by going Start->run->regedit. A console of the registry will open and you can edit everything there. It is important to mention that every mistake you'll make there will probably cause some serious damage to your computer which might not be fixable. So, if you don't really know your way in the registry, don't use this way.
  • The Registry Cleaner Way - The ultimate solution for windows problems like when Windows XP runs slow, is just to run a registry cleaner. A registry cleaner will simply go over the registry entries and fix all errors and invalid entries. After that you'll probably feel your computer is running much much faster and hopefully with no errors.

There are lots of registry cleaners out there, some are good and some can damage your computer even more than it was before you used them so be careful.

My name is Gray Stevens and I am a computer engineer for the last 10 years. I am a Windows operating system expert, and worked as a system engineer in a few big companies. Get into my website faster my computer [] to get more information about computer optimization and maintenance. If your Windows XP is running very slow, get into our website and find more solutions.


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