Sunday, June 16, 2013

Anybody who is using a desktop computer or a laptop needs help from a computer consultant or tech guy frequently. This is because everybody is not a computer expert to fix the computer problem. I would like to give you few tips on how you can fix most common computer problems on your own, without taking anybody's help.

We will be mostly discussing about software related problems. Computer hardware issues such as monitor display problems, keyboard problems can not be solved without taking help of a expert computer guy.

Generally all of the computer problems revolve around Microsoft Windows operating system, other softwares and data storage devices. It happens when sometimes you cannot boot up your computer or Windows, sometimes you lose your important documents or personal photographs and videos due to hard drive crash or you cannot detect your CD drive due to a driver incompatibility issue and thousands of other problems.

Please remember that whenever you face a problem with your computer, you should have a handy list of technology forums and websites with you bookmarked. From my personal experience (including last 5 years), I can tell you that you will find solution to almost any problem you face in your tech life on these forums. On the other hand, you can take help of Google search engine. If you cannot find answer to your question in forums then find it in Google right away and get assured solution.

Google has the most accurate search results for whatever you type in. I am an online marketer and can surely tell this to you from my experience. I have a list of few useful technology forums you can visit and ask for help.


You can freely sign up into the forum and post your question with details mentioning your problem.

I have been helping people through these forums for a while but you can find many geeks and experts on these forums who help other tech guys in need.

Another way to be independent is make use of softwares. You will need a software to speed up your computer, backup your important files and folders, permanently delete confidential files and folders, recover lost administrator or email passwords, recover data from corrupt and damaged disk drives, undelete files you've deleted accidentally.

If you are a novice computer user and have basic computer knowledge then you can also keep a bunch of useful and essential softwares with you as a tool kit on a bootable CD or DVD . As I mentioned above, you should keep tools such as Windows Recovery tools, Registry clean up and repair tools, Junk clean up tools, Password Managers and Recovery tools and Partition Recovery tools with you.

I hope I've added some valuable information and in future, you will be able to solve most of common computer problems and find a fix for it.

Manoj Shinde is a software developer and web entrepreneur. He is computing since 1996. Currently he promotes and sells useful and essential softwares from his download site


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