Saturday, June 15, 2013

One of the most irritating and sometimes recurring problems in Windows Vista is that it won't shut down no matter how many times you try. It may also start to reboot when you try to turn off the PC. You are in a major fix when such problem arises as the PC won't shut down or restart and your project may be stuck in between. Else, you might see a blue screen without letting you make any progress further with the PC. If you are a non-geek, you will resort to contacting a local repair shop for fixing the problem. Even if you are a computer geek than the recurrence of this problem will irritate and you might look forward to get a permanent fix or at least some handy settings that make you fix this problem next time it occurs.

Therefore, we have brought you a comprehensive support guide that will resolve all your queries related to Windows Vista shutdown problem.

Common Causes

Virus/malware infection- This can be the most common cause of shutdown problem. A virus or spyware etc. after breaking into the machine installs itself and thus prevents it from shutting down.

Hardware- If you installed a new hardware but not compatible drivers than it is the likely cause of the shutdown problem. If you try to update drivers in order to support hardware, it might corrupt internal files leading to problem in shutdown. It is commonly known as hardware compatibility issue.

Corrupted registry- If you have removed/uninstalled a program but not its registry entry, then it's likely to prevent Windows XP from shutting down. Or, if some registry entry is corrupted, you'll face problem shutting it down. A corrupted registry can risk your PC's security also.

Better Solutions

Below are some of the easy-to-perform methods that resolve the problem

Run Antivirus Scan- If the PC seems to be infected with a virus or other malicious software, then run an antivirus scan. Your antivirus should detect and remove all the malicious virus programs in the PC. This should ultimately resolve the shutdown problem caused by a virus.

Driver Update- Install or reinstall Windows Vista-compatible drivers. The latest drivers can be downloaded from different websites including Microsoft. Furthermore, most of the websites including Microsoft provide the list of compatible hardware and software versions.

Repair Corrupted/Unremoved Registry-You need to download and run 'registry cleaner program' on your PC. It is easier and more comfortable way to clean the pending or corrupt registry entries.

Run a Clean Boot:

Before you perform a clean boot, we recommend you not to use the 'System Configuration Utility' in order to change the advanced boot options on your PC unless a Microsoft-certified professional asks you to do so. This should only be followed if your PC is connected to a network, which under its policy settings may stop you from performing the clean boot step. Below are the steps that should resolve the problem:

  • Ensure your PC is powered on and booted up
  • Log onto the PC using administrator privileges
  • Click on 'Start', a menu will appear
  • In the 'Start Search' box, key in 'msconfig.exe' and hit 'Enter' on the keyboard
  • If there is a prompt for entering administration password, key in the password, or click on 'Continue'
  • When a window appears, click on the 'General' tab, from the options click on 'Selective Startup' option and then uncheck the 'Load Startup Items' option
  • On the 'Services' tab, check 'Hide All Microsoft Services' and then click on 'Disable all'
  • Click on 'OK' and then click on 'Restart'

Despite performing abovementioned steps, if your Vista keeps giving shutdown problems, then contact a Microsoft-certified professional support that identifies the actual issue and resolve it.

The article is associated with ' Microsoft technical support ' on VTechsquad website. VTechsquad, Inc. is the leading provider of online technical support services. We have a team of trained Microsoft-certified experts who leave no stone unturned in resolving your problem and satisfying your need of right support.

V tech-squad has a special shell for troubleshooting all your Microsoft Product Problems including Microsoft Windows 7/Vista/XP, Microsoft Office 2010/2007/2003, Microsoft Internet Explorer 9/8/7/6 Issues. If you are facing problem with your Microsoft Product Setup and Configuration, You can reach V tech-squad online technical support at their Toll Free No +1-877-452-9201 For US/CA.

V tech-squad Inc. ( ) is a leading provider of online technical support, virus removal, home networking support, phone support, and ipad support. V tech-squad has a team of certified technicians who cumulatively have more than 100 years of experience in desktop support.


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