Saturday, June 15, 2013

A Dynamic Link Library (DLL) file called ComCtl32.dll provides the functionality in Windows 7 operating system to create and manage screen windows and most basic controls, such as, buttons, scrollbars, receive mouse and keyboard input and other functioning associated with the GUI part. The basic controls reside in ComCtl32.dll file, together with the common controls (Common Control Library).

Microsoft Windows 7 is an operating system of the Graphical User Interface (GUI) type. It highlights the importance of this file in the smooth working of your computer. There are so many cases when this file crashes and shows an error message. For example, while browsing the files in Windows Explorer, it may suddenly crash showing an error message.
We are going to discuss the ways to find a solution to this problem. Causes and solutions of this problem are:

1. Replace the corrupted ComCtl32.dll file with the original version
2. ComDlg32.dll file is not registered properly
3. ComCtl32.dll is missing
4. System needs to be restored
5. Too many junk files are stored

Replace the Corrupted ComCtl32.dll File with the Original Version

The original system file ComCtl32.dll in your Windows 7 computer may be replaced by a program or a process running on your computer. If the replaced file is corrupted, or is not working properly, it crashes with an error and terminates the related program or process.

To restore the original version of this system file, do the following procedure. This will copy the original ComCtl32.dll file from the installation media to your computer.

1. Insert the media you use to install your operating system.
2. Click Start | Run.
3. Type SFC /ScanNow.
4. Press ENTER.
5. Follow the task.
6. Restart the machine after completion.

ComDlg32.dll File is Not Registered Properly

Every Dynamic Link Library (DLL) file is registered in the Windows 7 system registry. The file reference is important for the other programs that use this file for extracting various resources and using them in actual applications.

If COmDlg32.dll is not properly registered, an error may occur or the program using it will unexpectedly crash. In such a case, you need to use a genuine registry repairing product for properly registering this file again.

ComCtl32.dll is Missing

 An application running in Windows 7 operating system that needs ComCtl32.dll file may close unexpectedly if it does not exist in your system. It might be possible that it is moved, renamed or deleted.
Restore the file back. You can download this file from PC World website. To do so, search for "Download ComCtl32.dll PC" using any search engine. Download the said file from the PC World website from the search results.

System Needs to be Restored

If you know an earlier date when there was no such problem with ComCtl32.dll file, you can restore your system to that state. You need to use the System Restore utility in your Windows 7 computer.

Please do the following steps:

1. Click Start | All Programs | Accessories | System Tools | System Restore.
2. Click Next. [Note: If no restore point is available, the Next button is disabled.]
3. Select a system restore point by browsing the dates and times.
4. Click Next, and follow the on screen instructions.

Too Many Junk Files are Stored

The term Junk Files is used for those files which are not necessary and need to be deleted. Temporary files, temporary program data, extracted setup contents, web browser cache and other files are included in the term Junk Files.

Too many junk files often results in crashing ComCtl32.dll and showing an error message. You will need to use a system cleaner product.

Guaranteed Solution

We tested several PCs having the said problem. What we found that most of them were causing the error due to problem with the registration of ComDlg32.dll file in the system registry. That is why re-registering this file in the registry is must.

Reregister the ComDlg32 file with registry cleaning software:

Click here to download Intel Software Partner RegInOut Registry Cleaner and fix ComCtl32.dll Windows7.
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