Sunday, June 16, 2013

Avid computer users are aware when their PC's are not running properly. Your computer may lag and connection problems can occur when you are using the internet, and these are just symptoms of something serious when your PC is not checked regularly. But before you think of expensive ways to resolve your machine's problems, there are practical and inexpensive ways on how to speed up your computer to keep it in tip-top shape for a long time.

Here are some hassle-free tips on how to speed up your computer:

* Activate your firewall and if you have none, install one

Computers have built-in firewall that you can activate and deactivate. But it is recommended to keep it activated to protect your machine from being invaded by notorious applications from the net. A firewall is an application or a program that blocks malicious threats from the net; so having this installed before you even browse the net is a necessity.

* Uninstall unused and unwanted programs

Too many programs installed can drag your computer's performance and speed, so it is best to uninstall them since they are just space-takers. Keep only the programs that you need regularly and the ones that are vital for your machine's functions.

* Defrag regularly

You can set your defragmentation application on a particular schedule if you want it to run automatically. As you open up applications, their files usually become fragmented or they scatter throughout your hard drive, which slows down the process and makes it difficult for your computer to locate the files once the application is accessed again. Defragmentation is a program in your PC that frees up the unused space in your hard drive and other existing drives that you utilize.

* Use a legitimate anti-virus program to get updates

Free anti-virus programs are abundant on the net, but you need to choose one that allows your computer to receive regular updates. It is a fact that computer viruses and malware lurk the net and they evolve over time. This is the main reason why your anti-virus should be up-to-date to keep your machine protected even with the onset of new types of viruses.

* Keep CPU cool

Your PC heats up when you use it for a long time. Notice that the speed changes once your CPU is heating up? It is important to keep it cool by putting your machine in a well-ventilated room or by having a dedicated fan or cooling machine to keep temperatures low.

Make sure to also shut down or hibernate your computer when you are not going to use it for a few hours. This prevents overheating and it saves electricity.

* Clean your CPU cabinet regularly

Dust and dirt may cause some circuit problems to your CPU, which in turn can cause performance and speed issues. Cleaning up your CPU by using compressed air and anti-static cloth can do the job. Make sure to do this regularly and carefully so you won't damage the circuits.

* Upgrading your hardware

If you have done every practical and readily-available solution to improve your computer's performance, then maybe it's time to upgrade your hardware. When you encounter crashes often, this is an indication that your hardware is badly-needing an upgrade. You may need to seek the help of a technician to determine which part of your hardware needs upgrade- it could be your processor, memory or graphic cards.

Knowing how to speed up your computer beforehand can help you keep your machine as good as new always. The key is to be up-to-date when it comes to methods and techniques that you can use for free. How to speed up your computer should be a no-brainer to each user since you own and use your machine regularly to enable you to identify its speed and performance problems.

There are many tips and advices on how to speed up your computer [] on the net. Choose the ones that can give you free information instead of just recommending a tool to improve your PC's speed [].

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