Sunday, June 16, 2013

Installing Windows update should not bother its user; it should handle all the updates automatically. But, if Windows update does not install even after trying it several times, then it is considered to be one of the worst nightmare a Windows user can have. Windows update is important in maintaining your computer's health and keeps your computer up-to-date. Here are some solutions you can try to fix this problem:

1. Reboot your computer. This is the first step you should try especially if you left your computer on for a long period of time. A simple system restart will allow Windows to check and resolve the problem on its own.

2. Perform a virus scan. Errors in updating Windows are sometimes associated with virus infection which prevents proper installation of the update.

3. Install Windows update number 890830 manually. This update is specially designed to scan your computer for existing viruses and errors. This update is not complete but it is free and works well in removing some errors in your computer.

4. Perform a registry clean-up. This process is very important whether you detected a virus or not. Anti viruses cannot remove all the traces of viruses from your registry. There are times when a corrupted registry file is blocking the installation of the installation of the update.

5. If all of these steps were not able to fix your problem, then download the Windows updates and save it as a text file. After saving it reboot your system and during the reboot press F8 key. This will take you to a menu and select the "safe mode". You computer will start on safe mode and this will allow you to install the updates. Restart your system after installing the updates.

If you follow these steps then all the problems will be removed and you will be able to install Windows updates automatically. Performing a virus scan and registry clean-up will prevent this error to occur in the future. However, if after following these steps and still fails to install Windows update then it is time to seek professional help.

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Wilson S. Miller is an award winner registry cleaner programmer for top software companies for the last 8 years.

Top Registry Cleaner: As Seen on CNET

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