Windows7 Problems Solution

How to Fix Windows 7 Black Screen? Learn an Easy Black (Blank) Windows 7 Screen Solution

Has your Windows 7 started to display a black screen or sometimes a blank screen? This error is quite strange and in most cases it has nothing to do with the virus and spyware based infections in the computer. Rather to fix Windows 7 black screen you need to fix Windows registry in the system and adjust the important settings in Windows. Only then you could find a suitable fix for this menacing error that does not allow you to use computer .......................

ComCtl32 Dll Windows 7 Error Fix - Easy Solution

A Dynamic Link Library (DLL) file called ComCtl32.dll provides the functionality in Windows 7 operating system to create and manage screen windows and most basic controls, such as, buttons, scrollbars, receive mouse and keyboard input and other functioning associated with the GUI part. The basic controls reside in ComCtl32.dll file, together with the common ...................

Two Common Windows 7 Problems

Two of the most common Windows 7 problems are slow speed and compatibility with older programs. Given below are solutions for solving these issues ......................

Windows 7 Error Code 39 Solution

A Windows 7 error code 39 is another one of those annoying errors that seem hard to fix, but generally isn't all that difficult once you know what you are looking for. If your CD-ROM is not visible in My Computer, you might see that error code displayed in the Device .................

Windows 7 Explorer Slow - Easy Fix

If your windows 7 explorer slow then you will need to understand exactly what the problem is caused by. There are quite a few different reasons that windows 7 explorers might slow down or stop loading quickly. There are also quite a few different solutions which can .......................

Windows 7 Freezes Up - Learn How to Fix Computer Freezing Problem

It is not something strange if your Windows 7 freezes up randomly and makes your computing really irritating and slow. Such freezing can happen not just in the Windows 7 but also in the other operating systems. However, fixing a computer freezing problem is not that hard. It requires a little well-directed effort to clean up computer through a ...................

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